SafetyWorks! Program
Saturday, 11 February 2012 00:00
Program Guidelines: “How does the program work?”
Step 1 – Your company shall establish a safety coordinator to oversee the program and maintain company records (no member company records shall be maintained by the BSA). Along with the coordinator, team leaders shall be established to conduct the weekly safety meetings (this person may be a member of management or a lead/mentor employee who sets the standards for others to follow).
Step 2 – Each week, (Wednesday), via email the safety coordinator as well as the team leaders shall receive from the BSA office all information and topics necessary to conduct the weekly meeting (additional copies for each attendee shall be made at member site). The team leaders shall then have one week from the date received to log their meeting completion notice with the respective company coordinator. This one week period allows time to schedule around peak production times.
Step 3 – Once monthly, a video/power point meeting will be offered, should the company not wish to receive a video/power point topic it will be replaced with an additional print topic.
Step 4 – The BSA shall provide a binder for the Safety Coordinator to maintain all records to prior meetings once received from each team leader.
Step 5 – The BSA shall conduct a safety review of all requested sites annually for member companies. This review shall be based on OSHA regulations and upon completion a comprehensive report shall be given. Please remember the copy of the report you shall be given will be the only one in existence, no copies or documentation shall be kept by the association, so do not lose it. The enrollment fee will cover the review of a single site; additional sites may be conducted at the member request and shall be billed at an additional cost.
Step 6 – As an “add on” the BSA at your request shall conduct an “OSHA Site Visit” at one or multiple sites annually to evaluate both your site conditions and safety practices. This service shall be offered at an additional cost to the initial program and shall be based on a per site cost. At the end of the review a complete report shall be supplied, please remember as with all record-keeping practices of the program, the report you receive shall be the only one in existence, therefore it may not be duplicated at a later time should it be misplaced.
Step 7 – The plan shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and changes shall be implemented as needed.
Step 8 – Please list any questions or concerns you may have prior to enlisting in the program. This is a works in progress, and will only be as successful as you make it.
If you wish more information and cost of the Safety Works Program, please contact the BSA Office at 304-342-2450.